Xuming Mo
Personal Profile:

Xuming Mo received his MS from Harbin Medical University, and Ph.D. from Shanghai Medical University. In 1991, he joined the Children’s Hospital of Nanjing Medical University, and was promoted to professor in 2005. In 2020, he became a Doctoral Supervisor at Nanjing University. Currently, he serves as the Vice President of the Children’s Hospital of Nanjing Medical University and the Director Cum Chief Physician of the Department of Cardiothoracic Surgery.


Prof. Mo is the head of Jiangsu Provincial Science, Education, and Health key discipline and Jiangsu Provincial Center for Children Congenital Heart Disease. He is also the First Vice President of Asian Society for Pediatric Congenital Heart Surgery, and the associate editor of Chinese Journal of Pediatric Surgery, etc. He has undertaken more than 13 research programs supported by the Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), the provincial science foundation, and other national and provincial grants. His research interests focus on the surgical treatment of children’s congenital heart disease, basic research on the pathogenic factors of congenital heart disease, such as key genes and their predisposing factors, and complications related to congenital heart disease.