Yue Zhao
Personal Profile:

Yue Zhao received her Ph.D. in Prof. Tang Qiqun's lab in the Medical School of Fudan University in 2015. Following this, she pursued research journey in Medical School of Nanjing University from 2015 to 2023. In 2024, Yue Zhaoassumed the role of Principal Investigator in the Department of Immunology at the Medical School of Nanjing University. Dr. Zhao’s research focuses on investigating adipose remodeling during obesity-associated T2D progression and developing novel microbiome-based therapeutics. Her research work has been published in prestigious journals such as Nature Communications, Clin and Tran MedInt J Biol SciJ Pathol.J Biol Chem., and others.

Email:  zhyue@nju.edu.cn